NOTE: Recording is sample-accurate ('as-you-hear'). Recording is per the over dub process, which means you can record in several loops.

Select the Zone you want to record MIDI on.Stop playback in your DAW (Plugin version only).NOTE: The snap setting will affect the way in which the note changes length. This can also be performed on a selection of notes. Change note length - Select the note/sequence, Left-click on the right side and drag horizontally to change the note length.NOTE: The snap setting will affect the movement. Moving notes - Select the note/sequence, Left-click on the note and drag vertically or horizontally.Copy & Paste - Make a selection (see above), hold the ( Shift) button THENdrag selection with the left-mouse button OR ( Ctrl+C), scroll to the newposition/pattern and ( Ctrl+V).Add notes to selection - Hold ( Ctrl+Shift) together while selecting to addnotes to the existing selection.Standard selection - Press and hold ( Ctrlkey) and either click a note to select it, or drag a rectangle to select all notes in enclosed area.

Selecting/Deselecting groups of notes - There are a number of methods to select several notes, so you can move and resize them all at once:.Deleting notes - Right-click notes or select notes and use the Del/Backspace key.Make sure your note-length is appropriate for your snap setting prior to brushing. Notes will be painted according to the Snap value. The default length for notes will be equal to the last touched note. To change the note length, click on the end of the note and drag. Adding Notes - Left-click on the Piano roll.

Note also that the Global snap setting can be used for MIDI input quantizing. Hold the ( Alt) key to temporarily bypass snap.

NOTE: Many of the movement and draw commands are constrained by the snap setting that determines how notes move relative to the Piano roll grid.